In Programs

Life is full of responsibilities and challenges.  Covid-19 has increased the stress and anxiety to its highest level.  The Brilliance Foundation always wanted to bring the soft side of art and literature into people’s everyday to reduce anxiety and stress and give opportunities to women and youth to find comfort in the beauty of art & literature.   In today’s materialistic culture, the fine arts and liberal arts can promote we0ll-being and bring humanity to the everyday.

Brilliance Foundation started its literacy chapter to promote languages and cultural values from different parts of the world to cater to a diverse society.  The first event was held September 18, 2020.  Following all the precautions and instructions given by the CDC, with limited audience in person.   In the midst of Covid-19, this was a “breath of fresh air” to many women who were struggling with depression, and anxiety.  It was a successful event.  Every 4-6 weeks, additional virtual meetings of the Literacy Chapter are held. The number of participants has increased for each event, bringing audiences from countries all over the world.  Through art & culture, the foundation’s goal is to bring different communities together  to learn and create an atmosphere of mutual respect and learning opportunities. The foundation’s goal is aligned with the United Nations’s 4th goal , where education is provided for all. The foundation has already planned future events in the Summer of 2021 and is looking for volunteers, and financial support to help us hold events in different locations.

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