In Programs

Brilliance Foundation has been holding live events to provide opportunities for women and youth to come together for networking opportunities and create awareness about various issues affecting our everyday lives. These events create a platform to provide an atmosphere for honest discussions, creating mutual understanding and awareness between successful examples and those who are struggling to find emotional and mental support and opportunities to adopt healthy skills and strategies.  The foundation has ongoing programs on a regular basis.  For example, Literacy Chapter events are held every 4-6 weeks, both in person and virtual.  Health and wellness camps are held in spring and summer.  Additional events are held to celebrate International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, and other special occasions to provide recognition.   In addition to our regular events, 8-10 large events are currently being planned for 2021 to enhance our current event calendar. We are eager to support the goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically, #3:  Good Health & Well-Being, #4: Quality Education, #5:  Gender Equality,  and #13:  Climate Action.  In order to accomplish our goals, Brilliance Foundation is looking for financial support and volunteers.


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