Since the foundation has been continuously working in the four categories, projects are conducted on a regular basis virtually, written and occasionally in person.  It is always in need of fresh material, feedback, and thoughtful ideas to meet its goals to provide the best services to women and youth through its programs.  In light of this need, there are ongoing surveys being conducted since 2020 and will be conducted on a monthly basis in the future as well.  The foundation wants to collect the current and accurate data about the needs of our audience.  There are some surveys which are conducted anonymously.  There are also research-based surveys that are conducted with experienced professionals who are successful in their fields to enhance the educational projects of the foundation.  These surveys are one of the best sources to learn and create education programs in the future for women and youth.  The foundation has plans to conduct live discussions and programs in the future, both in person and virtually to meet the goals of the United Nations Educational goals.

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