I am Rabiya Vakil from Nagpur, India. My educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in Science (Biochemistry) from Saint Francis De Sales College, Nagpur. I have earned my Medical Transcriptionist Diploma from (DMC) Nagpur and have a 4-year experience as a Medical Transcriptionist/editor.

    I got married in 2007 and came to New Jersey. I am thankful to Allah for blessing me with the most loving and supportive husband. I have two beautiful children aged 10 and 5. I look forward to raising my children in the best possible way by instilling rightness and good values in them InShaAllah.

    I am a volunteer with Brilliance Consulting Volunteer Chapter and this has been an amazing experience and journey for me. I thank Kalsoom for giving me this opportunity to work with her. My goal is to help the organization in providing support to the women within our community in whatever capacity needed.

    I like using my spare time working on creative projects in home decor and art. I also enjoy experimenting with different food recipes and giving them a creative touch.

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